In addition to the beauty treatment of the
skin from within by eating nutritious foods so there is no way the body naturally whiten from the outside is a way to use natural materials that can not cause any side effects on the skin during a treatment.
To get a fresh skin is particularly delicate with ingredients that are all around us. Using a variety of foods that are in your kitchen can be made scrubbing, cleaning tonic, moisturizer, polisher, and masks.
Maintaining health, freshness and softness of your skin in a natural way, a natural ingredient can be recognized, ie such material that we usually eat is fruit papaya, tomato, mango, orange, cucumber, pineapple, avocado, aloe vera etc.
For example fruit juice, can whiten the body naturally and fruit strawberry can attenuate the pores, and refresh your skin. Various ingredients are there in the kitchen you can care for your skin. You can mix the juice with vegetable oil, olive oil, aloe vera gel, egg yolks, lemon juice can be used as an ingredient for beauty care.
Plants are efficacious and associated with beauty not only for pain medication, but may also for the treatment of your body. A number of plants are used as a beauty treatment that does not cause problems and there is no side effects on your skin. Tips whiten your skin:
Natural ingredients that should be used as a beauty should choose who really fresh and you just might learn from the tree and are not exposed to excessive chemicals.
In order to make the concoction should you use plants that are grown naturally or organically without chemicals that enter. If there were contaminated with pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers butane contaminated by chemicals, if hard to get plants that are free of pesticides and other materials you can clean by washing with clean running water, then rinse with salt water then rinse again until it is completely clean ,
plants that you use should be fresh and not wilted plants or fruits that the efficacy is not reduced. Materials that is different will make a good influence for your skin.